Dear Photograph,
My Dad loved trains and I will always be his little caboose.
Love, Anna

Dear Photograph,

A lot has changed since you left, even after all this time, I’m still not used to coming home and finding you aren’t there…

Dear Photograph,

I wish we could say goodbye to Grandad just one more time.

Love, Marsie and Josie
Dear Photograph,
The Chinese New Year brings my family back to the temple to say hello to our grandparents. 24 years later, the temple still stands strong and unchanged, but I have expanded my horizon way beyond the view. See you next year Grandma and Grandpa.
Dear Photograph,

I wish the climbing up was as easy as the sliding down…

Dear Photograph,
I learned to walk on that bridge and now my son begins his journey.
Dear Photograph,
At age one and a half, I thought Grandma’s dishwasher was the best toy ever. Seventeen years later, I’m not so sure.
Dear Photograph,████ don’t want to ██ be all █████ alone in ████████ the dark ████ ████. Losing sight █████ of my freedom of ████ ████ expression.Love, Me.
More info on SOPA here: 
Dear Photograph,

The heartache of divorce robbed him of his childhood, and then, his smile slowly faded into shades of grey. Thankfully, time has washed away the sadness and brightened up this very same room….and my little brother’s soul.

Love you, Miriam
Dear Photograph,

I’d give anything to go back to the days on my parents’ farm, when they were full of boundless energy and love, growing their lush garden’s and caring for puppies. Now it’s the weeds of cancer and years of endless chemo that have kept my Dad from tending to what he loves to do most. Life was so much greener.


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