
Tirei essas imagens do blog "design & inredningsbloggen".
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WHITE + happy colours = true love

I visited photographer Henrik Bonneviers homepage and found lots of inspiring photos. In these picures, where the setting has been styled by  Pontus Djanaieff I get a "Space Odessey goes interior design-feeling". The space is filled with a few selected items which make them stand out ever more. Great pictures! 
The pattern o the carpet creates a strong sense of dynamics. The photo is like a grand still life exploding with colours, harmoniously bound together by the grey sofa which soothes and calms the whole interior set. The buttons on the grey sofa having different colours makes it part of the playfulness.
 blog it

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Que tal todas as imagens que agradam ou chocam os olhos? O Caos Visual deste blog é a ordem na qual vejo o mundo: o meu e o seu.